
Energy and Gas

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Energy and Gas

Natural Gas - Jordan LNG

Jordan LNG has signed an agreement with the National Petroleum Company (NPC) to initiate the 1st project of its kind in Jordan that pioneers the energy sector.

Jordan LNG is the first company in Jordan to Process, Distribute, and Sell Natural Gas products in the form of (Compressed Natural Gas – CNG, and Liquified Natural Gas -LNG) to end-consumers.

The company signed a fixed take-or-pay agreement for 12 million Cubic Feet per Day and invested in mid-stream processing facilities capable of handling 27 million Cubic Feet per day that will be in commission by January 2024 while treating about 5 million Cubic Feet per Day of Permeate Gas.

Jordan LNG will utilize a virtual pipeline using tankers to supply multiple sectors with CNG and cater to a bigger clientele base.

Environmental Solutions

Phosphate Production Waste Recycling - GreenForm

Phosphate Production Waste Recycling – GreenForm

GreenForm is providing state-of-the-art sustainable environmental remediation solutions for the Phosphate mining industry, starting in Jordan.

The innovative solution was developed with the assistance of renowned international consultants throughout the R&D and project development stages.

Multiple unique processes will be used to treat industrial Phosphate production waste, transforming a high-risk liability into industrial input products.

Comprehensive Recycling Program – GreenForm

Greenform is developing an integrated recycling program that targets municipal waste in all of its forms (Solid, Liquid, Wastewater, and Gasses).

The recycling program will employ a flexible solution design created with international subject matter experts using world-class advanced recycling technologies to sort and recycle the different waste streams and components into new “Fresh” raw materials or new products.

The comprehensive recycling program will treat Municipal Solid Waste (With different sub-categories of waste), Municipal Wastewater, and Agricultural liquid waste produced by olive oil production (Zebar) in Jordan as a first-of-its-kind project remediating a serious rising concern locally and an inherent global issue.

The comprehensive recycling program experience and its parts can be tailored to fit the need of different problematic waste streams and waste collection points (Landfills) allowing for an optimized and effective solution.


Al-Jafr - Takatuf

Takatuf is leading the Jordanian food sector and market through the first Aquaculture farm in Jordan that breeds, rears, processes, and packages fresh shellfish, crustaceans, and fish.

Located at Al-Jafr, The aquaculture farm is designed to ensure a zero-waste business operation is applied by utilizing sustainable farming methods which integrate Aquaponics, Hydroponics, and rich Ammonia water recycling into crop farming.

At its planned starting capacity, the project will produce 1,250 Tons of Fish in its first year of production (2024), and gradually increase the farm’s capacity to 7,350 Tons of annual production by 2026.

The Aquaculture farm project will have a major impact on the local market as it will approximately double the national production capacities (estimated at 1,900 Tons) in its first year of operation alone and will help close a large gap between local production and consumption.

Takatuf’s aquaculture project will keep water conservation at its core priorities throughout its production and expansion, using minimal amounts of water with an advanced circulation system resulting in a total of 5% water replenishment only and recycling the offset water for agricultural use.

Information Technology

E-Gov Suite

Sanad Services Implementation

Sanad is an E-gov platform developed initially by the Jordanian Government as a gateway to creating an authentic/official digital identity for Jordanian citizens, providing digital government services as well as banking and payment gateway services.

5D and through a partnership with TACME won the bid to renovate the platform’s architecture and implement an addition of 89 new services in Trade Registry, Industrial Patent Protection, and Trade and Market Protection.

On Demand E-Gov Service – Tawseel

On Demand E-Gov Service – Tawseel is an app suite and a part of the public sector digital transformation initiative in Jordan, developed by 5D-MENA for the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MODEE).

On Demand E-Gov Service – Tawseel will facilitate and streamline a wide range of governmental services/procedures by providing a mobile single window solution for paperwork and governmental procedures wherever the users choose without the hassle of going from one public department to another and having to deal with lengthy processes.

Smart Life Bundle

Sheer.Exchange – 5D

Sheer.Exchange is a new platform that is set to improve Government-Public communication and reduce misinformation and rumor spreading.

Sheer.Exchange aims to close the gap between the government and the public, by providing the public with a reliable social platform validated by the government, to express faced obstacles and hardships freely, get informed with facts and figures rather than hearsay and rumors, with an added value on voting, accountability, and transparency.

For.Report – 5D

Adding to 5D’s digital transformation projects portfolio, For.Report is developed to be a publicly used tool that will enhance the public sector’s performance in handling social incidents and municipal issues and share it for endorsement locally, regionally or country-wide where it matters.

For.Report engages citizens to actively participate in social incidents reporting and provides the public sector with passive workforce capacity and offers the people a direct outlet for complaints, rewards excellence in public service, and gives a transparent performance tracking mechanism and follow-up procedure.

For.Report’s unique reward system works as a 2-way street rewarding the best citizen(s), best Ministry, and best employee(s) of the year.

The Smart City Initiative

Smart City is a comprehensive digital transformation initiative that aims to fulfill His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Al-Hussein’s vision for modernizing the public sector and improving quality of life through technology. The initiative will be built around private and public collaborative efforts across multiple departments and platforms, providing a number of solutions within its packages.

The Smart City Initiative is comprised of multiple elements relating directly to Infrastructure, Transport, and Lifestyle.

The initiative will accelerate the digital transformation of Jordan, improve Public Sector performance, solve multiple infrastructure issues, and enhance the quality of life for all Jordanians.

Initial implementation of the Smart City Initiative’s components has started with the Smart Electric Meters and LoRa network projects initiation with their respective collaborators and governmental stakeholders.

5D has acquired the license to establish Jordan’s first LoRaWAN network from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC).

Toy.Market was launched in November 2022 as the first of Dot.Market’s platforms, and is the first of its kind marketplace in Jordan and a major new e-commerce platform.

Specializing in toys for all ages as well as gaming and e-sports, has over 30 toy stores registered which already offer over 2500 products on the platform.

Bringing this new experience to other countries, is planned to be present in multiple countries in the MENA region.

Toy.Market website:

Any.Repair is a unique new platform that will be the first-of-its-kind all-inclusive e-platform for maintenance and repair services.

Any.Repair has a wide range of qualified service providers from skilled labor and technicians to mechanics and household repair and maintenance specialists.

Qualification and Quality guarantee are essential to Any.Repair, onboard service providers are verified and checked for compliance and skill to give our users an optimal experience. More about Any.Repair can be found through the below link.



Number.Market is a niche e-marketplace that allows customers to buy and sell unique and special Mobile Phone Numbers as well as Vehicle Registration Plate Numbers globally through direct sales and auctions (live and open).

Visit Number.Market:

Crafts.Market – International is an e-commerce platform that focuses on empowering talented authentic craftworkers by giving them the opportunity to display their quality work, personal and professional backgrounds, and sell their products directly to local and international customers.

Adding to that, the platform is designed to include several features and tools to help MSMEs and individual craftsmen get access to financial and supply chain tools and solutions and grow.

With an international scale in mind, Crafts.Market was developed to have the flexibility needed for localization in different countries as part of a global franchise.

Contact us for more information on the platform and franchising opportunities.

Crafts.Market website:


HINCO developed, launched, and is funding Crafts.Jo as a part of its corporate social responsibility and a way to give back to society and empower handicrafts SMEs and gifted low-earning individuals and families everywhere in Jordan.

Crafts.Jo launched its offices and e-commerce platform in Jordan in the Summer of 2022 with a showcase and has over 350 selected artisans with different backgrounds and specialties and over 2000 hand-made products.